Workshop on Progress and prospects in mouse models use for Biomedical Research: the experience of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, was organised 19th of October 2023. The participants learnt about the following subjects:
- Suitable animal model for efficient cell and tissue engraftment.
- In vivo experimental models as tools to investigate the effects of compounds on cancer development
- The abscopal effect induced by hypofractioned radiotherapy in NSCLC: a murine model.
- Preclinical studies: our experience in cancer.
- Description of FTL3-ITD+ leukaemia mouse model.
- Knowledge At the tip of Your fingers: Clinical Knowledge for Humanity.
The training has been organised in the frame of activities planned in WP2: Sharing scientific expertise for innovative R&I approaches (Task 2.1. Twinning visits with UNITOV).

Photos by Carla Montesano