V4 Training is a training course designed for experienced research managers working in project departments (primarily international: H2020 and Horizon Europe) exclusively at universities, scientific and research institutes in departments responsible for acquisition, management and reporting. The event was held from 11 March until 13 March 2024 and despite training opportunities, gave chance to meet people form the field, exchange knowledge, build capacity and also celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the training organization.

Dominika Butkiewicz, from ICCVS (University of Gdańsk) participated in the course, with the main objective is to expand the knowledge, and at the same time strengthen the relevance of the activities of the staff from the project department, which in turn will contribute to increasing Polish participation in the Horizon Europe framework program.
“I had a great opportunity to take part in this exclusive training organized in Brussels by the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA together with the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Science (CZELO), the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD). The total number of participants from each country of the Visegrad Group and from countries affiliated to IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices) was around 35 people, including 7 managers from Poland.”

What encouraged you to register for V4 Training?
“The main motivating factor for me has always been the opportunity to develop, learn something new, gain new experience and expand my portfolio. At the same time, it was a unique opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of research projects, which is relatively new to me. I believe that this unique, international training will contribute not only to gaining new information, but also to find professional contacts.”
What were your expectations regarding the training?
“I always try to ensure that my skills and many years of experience bring benefit and added value to the institution where I work. I believe this training enriched my knowledge about applying and implementing research projects, I met people from the field and created a network of informal support in carrying out daily tasks.”- Dominika said.

The participation was financed in the frame of the CANVAS project (grant agreement no 101079510) funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe programme.