A group of scientists from ICCVS: dr Elżbieta Chruściel, Martyna Muszczek Ines Papak and Łukasz Arcimowicz participated in 3D cell culture training organised by our project partner – RealResearch in Kraków. From 12.04.2023 until 23.04.2023. During stay, they had a great opportunity to learn more about 3D cell culture from experts as, the CEO of Real Research – dr Marcin Krzykawski and the scientists working in his team: dr Krzysztof Klimkiewicz and dr David Earnshaw. During this time, they have learnt how to work with a 3D cell culture model based on LifeGel – a unique hydrogel developed by RealResearch. They learnt how to apply it for establishing primary cell cultures using clinical samples from the patients. Incredibly, after only a few days of training, the scientists could already see 3D structures of the established primary cell lines forming. Obtained cultures allowed to experiment a bit more with assays that can be performed on LifeGel – they performed metabolic activity assays, viability assays and fluorescent staining. The training allowed to work confidently with LifeGel in ICCVS laboratories in Gdańsk, enabling the participants to continue to work on the CANVAS project. The training also presented a great opportunity for the group to discuss research ideas and acquaint scientists with colleagues from Kraków. It was a remarkable lesson on how to start and develop a scientific startup company. RealResearch Team also organised events that allowed for integration between scientists from ICCVS and the hosts. An amazing evening of axe-throwing and virtual reality games was organised! During free time, the participants explored the breathtaking, historical capital of Poland. The training has been organised in the frame of WP2: Sharing scientific expertise for innovative R&I approaches (Task 2.6 Organisation of scientific workshops led by Real Research) of CANVAS project.

Photos by Ł.Arcimowicz